

Microsoft Silverlight


SDKはCTP Feb 2007となっていますが以前のWPF/Eとして発表されたCTPと中身は変わってないみたいです。

Q. Is the re-released Silverlight February 2007 Customer Technology Preview (CTP) different from "WPF/E" February 2007 CTP?

The release is the same. The name is updated to reflect the brand.


Q. Is there an expiration date for the February 2007 CTP?

The February CTP expires on June 6, 2007. An update will be available prior to the expiration. Upon expiration, the client will prompt you with an expiration notice and ask you to upgrade. Web developers will be able to offer the update programmatically, making the experience easy for their users.


Q.Which platforms and browsers will Silverlight support?

Silverlight will support all major browsers on both Mac OS X and on Windows. Particular care is being taken to account for differences in platform and browser capabilities to ensure a consistent experience including experiences on FireFox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
